Ideas, projects, and actions

We are thrilled to share with you the exciting opportunities and conversations that are happening regarding prison reform. Our team is passionate about making a positive impact in the lives of female inmates and we are committed to providing details for upcoming events and occasions where we can get involved or be inspired. We understand that navigating the complexities of the prison bureaucracy can be daunting, but we are dedicated to making a difference through education and action.

At Women of Worth, we recognize that change can be a slow and steady process, and we are focused on identifying simple fixes that can make a significant difference in the daily lives of female inmates. We may not be working on policy-making and law, but we are proud to be a part of something that is truly helpful to our cause. By partnering with like-minded individuals and organizations, we are making measurable progress and improving the lives of those who need it most. Let's continue to work together towards positive change, one step at a time. Opportunities and meaningful conversations occur routinely regarding Prison Reform. Here, we provide details for upcoming or ongoing events and occasions where we are involved, or that inspire us. How do we navigate the various pieces that make-up prison bureaucracy? For most, this is unchartered territory. Being incarcerated involves so much more than just going to prison. When we do get involved are we measuring a quantifiable result? We can't change the world overnight. We can make small changes at a steady pace. Eventually, it improves or helps someone's situation. That is our goal - to educate and help.

Women of Worth focuses on existing circumstances, identifying simple fixes that make significant differences in the daily lives of female inmates. We are not working on policy-making and law - there are plenty of experts doing this. We are involved with something helpful to our cause; or, we are in a partnership with someone that brings us the same results.

2019 Summer produced Children’s book in English and Spanish that are available now.