After Prison CPAC


There is no way to describe how surreal, yet profound, it felt about participating in this much-needed program. How do you thank the American Conservative Union Foundation and so many others who volunteered there time to join forces and rally for a cause to tell those sitting in prison there is so much waiting for them when they come out? More importantly, the group shared how much more people are willing to listen to see how they might engage.

Before and after my panel group, I sat among the attending inmates only to earn there trust and confidence. One, in particular, kept leaning over and asking, “Is that true” for a lot of the content presented. There has been much talk for so long about reform and change, so I understand they are questioning the reality of real change and opportunity existing. But things are changing, and that change will continue.

As I have just been out myself for less than a year, this is where the surreal portion came as I vividly remembered my own time. I could never have imagined I would be here, trying to figure out how best to move our agenda of recognizing women are sitting in jail. At the same time, I found myself listening to the same stories and requests for help that I heard while I was inside. It is also amazing to see how many groups and individuals there are out here presently trying to figure out the best way to help.

Please spread the word about our organization, provide your feedback, and help us get the word out to women who will, are, or have done time. There is so much to do for these women. I am thankful for my health; the god inspired desire to focus on women, for the opportunities that are presenting themselves, and for each of you who pay attention and provide input. There is so much to do, and I am excited that Women of Worth, Inc. will be an active part of that change.

Cheryl Womack1 Comment