In the Eye of the Beholder, we need to open our eyes

You see heroin, I see low self-esteem. You see meth, I see fear. You see alcohol, I see social anxiety. You see track marks, I see depression. You see a Junkie, I see someone's daughter. You see a prostitute, I see someone's daughter caught in addiction. You see self-centeredness, I see addiction has taken over. You see a pill head, I see over prescribing of opiates. You see someone unwilling to change, I see someone hasn't connected with them yet. You see denial, I see someone hurting. You see someone nodding out, I see God showing us they need help. You see the end, I see the beginning. You see a dope fiend, I see a future success story. You see them, I see me.

Cheryl Womack1 Comment