We Need to Talk

I'd give anything if I could get a million people to sit up and pay attention to me and this cause. Listen to the plight of a woman in prison and the long arm of these consequences. I need you to realize that not only could the government save hundreds of thousands of dollars by looking for solutions and alternatives; but, they might keep women and their families joined together as productive people in society.

If we can't get to that discussion, keeping women who are not dangerous to society out of prison, then what do we need to do differently to help avoid blowing up an entire family when Mom gets in trouble. More than Mom does time when she goes to jail, and the damage that spins from that action is impacting people's lives for generations to come. It has to stop. What can I share with you so that you will share your thoughts with me? We need to start conversations and explore the possibilities, and we need to allow for some government training. I have already developed a rough draft syllabus. Could you help me out and give me some feedback? #prisonorsarepeopletoo #prisonreform

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Cheryl Womack